Friday 23 March 2012

13th General Election of Malaysia

By Syed Naquib

“The mind is like a parachute - it works only when it is open.”
Frank Zappa

As we are all well aware, or perhaps imagine that we are, the make-it-or-break-it 13th General Election of Malaysia is due to occur soon. I would not be so presumptuous to say when it may be, except to note that we are drawing close to the deadline whereby choice will no longer be the Government’s luxury. As is usual, politicking is at full gear and coffee shops overrun with chatter on many topics ranging from the possible winner to the effect the election may have on the price of fish in the market.

The biggest difference, perhaps, between this election and the last one in 2008 may be that the “coffee shops” wherein such matters disscussed are now capable of going viral and thoughts may be shared among thousands, and even millions, simultaneously. Of course, many have already drawn their lines in the sand and have decided beforehand which side they’re on. However, for those of us who are still mulling the choice of where our votes ought to be cast the internal struggle continues, with both sides of the political divide pulling and pushing to further some cause of other in a sea of issues that make up Malaysian politics. The main question here is this: which cause will tip the scale in favour of one side over the other?

It is to these undecided voters who are still “atas pagar” that this blog is dedicated. Of course, I welcome all opinions and comments – within the confines of decency and respect – but it is no exaggeration to say that the undecided are truly the ones who will make or break the next election when a decision must finally be made.

Throughout the course of this blog, it is my mission to rationalize as many issues as I can comprehend and avoid any partisan views whether in favour of Barisan National or Pakatan Rakyat. We are a new generation of thinkers, with more information at our fingertips than any other generation beforehand had in their entire lifetimes. Therefore, we are at the best position to evaluate objectively the pros and cons of whichever direction this country takes.

We all have a stake in this and nothing should stop us from making an informed decision. I welcome all net surfers to Malaysian Dialogues. I will be kicking off our discussion in my next post on the issue of young voters, any comment or thoughts beforehand is appreciated.